Engaged | Cylie & Chris | Chapel Creek Ranch and Turner Falls

August 09, 2017  •  1 Comment


Cylie & Chris Engagements at Chapel Creek Ranch and Turner Falls


Alright y’all. Get the tissues ready because this is going to be a heartfelt possible tear jerker of a story.


As some of you know, Cylie has been assisting me at shoots, weddings and helping out in the office. Over the past few months, Cylie and I have become best of friends. When she first contacted me about wanting to learn photography, I knew there was something different about this girl. She’s smart. She’s intuitive. She’s eggier to please and has the hunger to learn as much as she can. She is such a hard worker and has grown leaps and bounds within photography. I meet both Chris and Cylie about 4 years ago at their son’s maternity shoot. Carson now has a beautiful baby sister Cambri. Chris and Cylie have been together for 5 years and it got me thinking. Through high school parties, family turbulence, and two babies, they have made it. Together. Watching this couple during their engagement session at Turner Falls, lite a fire inside me. They are strong and can overcome anything the world puts in front of them. Their connection is so powerful it’s extraordinary, and yet it seems effortless. Chris and Cylie have their entire lives’ a head of them and come their wedding day in May, I am honored to capture their love again.


Below is message to Chris from Cylie. Her perspective towards love is reason 9365947375 why I love her.


Love doesn't come easy. It's not a fairytale story that's all smiles and sweet kisses. It's hard.
To love someone so much more then you ever imaged loving more than yourself is hard. To put the best interest of another person before your own every single decision you make, is hard. To be completely vulnerable with someone, knowing they know your weakness and you can't pretend it's not there, is hard. Constantly facing all of life's challenges that get thrown at you knowing you can't give up and go another direction because it's no longer just about you, is hard. Becoming parents, to not just one demanding human, but two, is hard. You get lost in the day to day routines, you forget that the other person is still the person you feel in love with, and love requires attention to. Being a constant role model for one another to grow as a better team, is hard. I think the hardest thing about love is, knowing you can’t be without that person. Your world is one, and the thought of that, scares you. As hard as love is, loving you is as easy as 1,2, and 3. You are an incredible daddy, an amazing husband to be, you’re my best friend, the person I want to share all my secrets with, the person I come to for comfort, the person I come to, to celebrate my accomplishments. Accomplishments that I went after because I had you in my corner every step of the way. I love you beyond the waterfall, I truly can't wait to be your wife, to spend forever accomplishing life together.


Congratulations Cylie & Chris. You guys are truly incredible and have a passionate future to look forward to!


Wedding Venue: Chapel Creek Ranch

Engagement Location: Turner Falls 

Make up: Kaylee Niccole Chastain





Brodrick ARCHIE(non-registered)
Great Blog and Post as always.
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